<% sql = " select pictitle, b.showdate, picdes, picurl1, picurl2, a.picclassid, b.classurl, a.picshowtype " sql = sql & " from tbl_pic a " sql = sql & " inner join tbl_pic_class b on a.picclassid=b.picclassid and b.flag=1 " sql = sql & " where 1=1 " sql = sql & " and a.flag=1 " sql = sql & " and a.languageid=" & languageid sql = sql & " and picid=" & pid set rs = conn.execute (sql) if not rs.eof then if isnull(rs(6)) or rs(6) = "" then strpresslink = "" else strpresslink = "" strpresslink = strpresslink & "Press News " end if if rs(7) = 1 then strshowsize = " width=""150""" else strshowsize = " width=""188""" end if %>



<%=replace(rs(2), " ", " ")%>

Preview />
<% sql = " select name, showdate, picclassid " sql = sql & " from tbl_pic_class " sql = sql & " where 1=1 " sql = sql & " and flag=1 " sql = sql & " and languageid=" & languageid sql = sql & " and picclassid in (select distinct picclassid from tbl_pic where picid<>" & pid & ") " sql = sql & " and picclassid=" & rs(5) set rs = conn.execute (sql) do while not rs.eof %> <% response.write showpic2(pid) %>
<% rs.movenext loop response.write "


" ' response.write showpicclsbypicid(rs("picid")) end if function showpic2(pid) dim rs sql = " select * " sql = sql & " from tbl_pic " sql = sql & " where 1=1 " sql = sql & " and flag=1 " sql = sql & " and languageid=" & languageid sql = sql & " and picid<>" & pid sql = sql & " and picclassid=(select picclassid from tbl_pic " sql = sql & " where picid=" & pid sql = sql & " and flag=1 " sql = sql & " )" set rs = conn.execute (sql) do while not rs.eof if rs("picshowtype") = 1 then strshowsize = " width=""97""" else strshowsize = " width=""138""" end if %> ">" alt="Thumbnail" border="0"<%=strshowsize%> /> <%=rs("pictitle")%> <% rs.movenext loop end function %>


MedienDownload - pictures and diagrams
Here you can download our logo and photos from the Messer Group for further use. This use is naturally free of charge, but, in the case of publication, please be kind enough to respect our Copyright.
" rs.movenext loop %>